Discover the Wonderful World of Greek Mythology Through the Iliapps and Ilivision
The Iliapps
Discover the wonder of Greek myths with the Iliapps! Our mobile apps bring these timeless tales to life for a new generation. Whether you’re new to Greek mythology or just want to revisit these classic stories, our apps are perfect for families and individuals alike.
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Our content is written in a fun and engaging style, focusing on the positive aspects of these tales and their impact on our world today. Each app is divided into sections with light quizzes at the end, making learning an enjoyable journey – no worries about scores or correct answers! It’s the experience that counts.
The intention is that, combined, all three Iliapps will provide an over-arching understanding of Greek mythology that’s both entertaining and informative.
Check out our YouTube videos where we bring Greek mythology to life with detailed images. With content derived solely from ancient sources, we take a fresher, deeper look at Greek mythology. New angles, more insight, no padding. Entertaining and educational. Subscribe now and embark on an epic journey through the wonders of Greek mythology.
Our content is written in a fun and engaging style, focusing on the positive aspects of these tales and their impact on our world today. Each app is divided into sections with light quizzes at the end, making learning an enjoyable journey – no worries about scores or correct answers! It’s the experience that counts.
The intention is that, combined, all three Iliapps will provide an over-arching understanding of Greek mythology that’s both entertaining and informative.

Greek Myths 4 Kids
Iliapp 1 takes you on an amusing odyssey through the world of gods and goddesses, including the Primordial gods and the Titans.
This app has been translated into Chinese, bringing the magic of Greek mythology to a wider audience.This Iliapp version is available on iOS in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Macau.

Greek Myths – Fun Facts
Iliapp 2 uncovers hidden gems and fascinating facts about these ancient tales. From the origin of olives to the possibility of a real-life Wonder Woman, you’ll discover how Greek mythology has influenced our world and language in many ways

Greek Myths -Women, Heroes and Fantastic Beasts
Iliapp 3 welcomes you to the latest Iliapp extravaganza! Here we dive into the epic world of strong women, heroes, and fantastic creatures.
Our journey kicks off with a fabulous section on Strong and Notable Women. These ladies are the unsung heroes behind the heroes! Without them, those legendary Greek champions would’ve been as lost as a minotaur in a maze. But fear not, we’ve filtered out the gory stuff and focused on the humorous and uplifting aspects of these myths.
So, grab your mythological snorkels, folks! We’re about to plunge headfirst into a sea of laughter and lore that’ll make you rethink everything you thought you knew about Greek mythology.
All our apps are affordably priced with no in-app purchases or data collection. Join us on this journey through Greek mythology today!

The sources for these apps and videos are all from ancient Greek writers ranging from approximately 700 – 300 BCE. These include the chroniclers such as Hesiod and Apollodorus, Eratosthenes and his catasterisms, epic writers such as Homer and Apollonius, and of course the playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides.
Serving as an additional reading list, individuals may be familiar with Greek mythology from more contemporary sources such as:
Robert Graves: The Greek Myths
Rick Riordan: The Percy Jackson series such as Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Natalie Haynes: Pandora’s Jar: Women in Greek Myths
Madeline Miller:The Song of Achilles
Steven Fry: Mythos, Heroes and Troy.
The Odyssey: Homer (a new translation by Emily Wilson)

Producer of the Iliapps & Ilivision
The producer of the Iliapps and Ilivision has travelled widely exploring ancient cultures in Latin and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. With a deep interest in spirituality, he has researched world religions and authored his book on historical knowledge and spirituality. He has read extensively on ancient philosophy and mythology from across the globe. It was partly due to sharing these interests with his son that led to the production of these educational but entertaining apps.
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Some of our 5 Star Reviews:
Really enjoying this informative with a sense of humour learning! Not only for kids and highly recommend. Looking forward to the next…
Mary Smith
My experience on this app was incredible, I mean, who can go wrong with fun facts! Such and immersive app and explains everything in great detail but also easy enough for younger learners to understand, the amount of funny captivating facts is great, truly worthy of five stars
Seon Meroy
What a delightfully light and humorous approach to a normally quite heavily presented topic! I loved the text and the pictures, and the quiz questions are friendly and no pressure type. You are always given a chance to correct your answer and not judged. A great way to memorise the classics while smiling. Thank you! A great way to learn